st. ratthew sayz 'welcom!'
mall directory pet cemetery saint of the day
lulbrary of lolgress no x


  • 'sweet and supportive'

  • 'beloved rodent'

  • 'horror game persona'

yer home free as soon as no one knows where to find you

this site is a reflection of how i experience the world, as emptiness or places that feel like yer somewhere and nowhere at the same time. i've filled it with my thoughts, nightmares, and interests (the occult, rats, old forms of photography, etc). i hope you enjoy yer stay and sign my guestbook on yer way out. keep an eye out for hidden thingz~



and this is where i would put my webring... IF I HAD ONE.

updatez waow

2/29: i hav return? happy liminal day!

8/28: added saint of day link, changes to main page.

4/30: added dreams

4/17: the webrodent has been very sick le cough have some updates. (new link, new page).

3/29: updated dsi, links.

3/24: added mall directory, sites i like, site buttons, and rearranged stamps/graphics.

3/3: i keep forgetting to write updates.

2/8: added dsi dump, counter

2/1: added hidden gallery~

1/25: i change my main page more than my discord icon. added confessional

1/18: changed journal layout

1/17: added journal

1/16: changed up this whole mess